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資料筆數共計 9 筆,共計 1 頁 進階搜尋

K9FuelBar: An Energy Treat for Dogs - Teaching Note
作者姓名:Thomas Funk; Carol Hutchinson;
出版日期:2017/03/21內容長度:9 頁

Teaching note for product 9B17A017.

K9FuelBar: An Energy Treat for Dogs
作者姓名:Thomas Funk; Carol Hutchinson;
商品類型:Case (Field)商品編號:9B17A017
出版日期:2017/03/21內容長度:11 頁

In 2015, a nutritionist and dog lover developed a new canine energy bar called K9FuelBar. This product was made of all-natural, non-genetically modified, organic ingredients. In doing some investigation, the product's developer realized there could be a small, but sufficient, market to make her product commercially viable. At this point, she needed to evaluate and decide on the best method of distribution for her product. She identified multiple .....more

Immuno-Genetics Inc.: Technology for Predicting Immune Response
作者姓名:Thomas Funk;
商品類型:Case (Field)商品編號:9B16A061
出版日期:2016/11/23內容長度:16 頁

Researchers at the Ontario Veterinary College had formed a company, Immuno-Genetics Inc., to develop new technologies to measure the immune response of dairy cows by using a blood test and skin thickness test on individual cows. Cows who showed a high immune response were unlikely to contract a number of common diseases. The test results thus allowed dairy producers to determine the likelihood of cows having health problems over their lifetimes. This .....more

Le Cerf de Tremblant
作者姓名:Thomas Funk; Wendy Lange-Faria;
商品類型:Case (Field)商品編號:9B13A037
出版日期:2013/11/28內容長度:8 頁

An owner was concerned about the condo she bought in Mont Tremblant, Quebec in 2006 as an investment property and for occasional use by her family. A beautiful, five-bedroom unit with a panoramic view over the La Bete golf course, it was close to the ski area, the village of Tremblant, shopping, spas, restaurants and a casino. It was fully furnished with many upgrades. However, by 2010, the number of rentals was disappointing, and the unit was operating .....more

Plant Nutrients Inc.
作者姓名:Thomas Funk; Kenneth Harling
商品類型:Case (Gen Exp)商品編號:9B04A013
出版日期:2004/11/23內容長度:26 頁

Plant Nutrients is a medium-sized retailer of crop supplies. The general manager is preparing a proposed operating statement to send to the parent company. This statement must reflect an increase in volume of two per cent while maintaining the required 13 per cent on investment in business. He is considering a number of ways of improving performance: getting better utilization of fertilizer blending capacity, adding a new line of seed and adding precision .....more

Ontario Machinery Ring (A) - Problem Definition
作者姓名:Thomas Funk
商品類型:Case (Gen Exp)商品編號:9B04A021
出版日期:2004/11/23內容長度:10 頁

The Ontario Machinery Ring is a cooperative set up to perform a matchmaking service for farmers who want to have custom work done and farmers who want to do custom work. This concept is widespread in Europe but has not been tried in North America. The general manager of the organization has set up a prototype operation and is looking at expansion opportunities. Expansion will take more funds than are available and the general manager has sought financial .....more

Ontario Machinery Ring (B) - Research Design
作者姓名:Thomas Funk
出版日期:2004/11/23內容長度:4 頁

The general manager of Ontario Machinery Ring - a cooperative developed to match farmers with someone to do custom work - must develop a marketing research proposal and design a questionnaire to determine the demand of machinery ring concept. This is a supplement to Ontario Machinery Ring (A) - Problem Definition, product 9B04A021.

Ontario Machinery Ring (C) - Data Analysis and Interpretation
作者姓名:Thomas Funk
出版日期:2004/11/23內容長度:14 頁

The general manager of Ontario Machinery Ring is looking at expansion opportunities but limited funding requires him to obtain financial assistance from the Ministry of Agriculture and Food. The ministry requires an assessment of the demand for this marketing concept before they will provide any funding. He had developed a questionnaire and now must analyze the data that has been collected to prepare the marketing research proposal. This is a supplement .....more

Ontario Dairy Herd Improvement Corporation
作者姓名:Mark B. Vandenbosch; Thomas Funk
商品類型:Case (Field)商品編號:9A94A010
出版日期:1994/07/14內容長度:23 頁

John Meek, general manager of the Ontario Dairy Herd Improvement Corporation (Ontario DHI), has to decide what measures should be taken to reduce the membership decline of Ontario DHI. He must evaluate company information and marketing research to determine what might be the best course of action.